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“The Buffalo City Mission stands in unity
with the individuals and families
who have been impacted by last weekend’s tragedy.

As we come together during this time of incredible sorrow,
let the words of Mark 12:31 guide us: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

No words can right the wrongs that were done,
but actions fueled with love and support can help us navigate the roads ahead.”

– Aubrey Calhoun,
Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer

The Buffalo City Mission is here for our neighbors in need.

If you are in need of groceries or practical items during this difficult time, please contact the Mission today or visit our Agape Shop & Pantry Tuesday or Thursday from 12pm-3pm. (100 E Tupper St. Buffalo NY 14203).

If you are in need of prayer, please click here and our group of Prayer Warriors will cover you in prayer.

If you are a church in need, please reach out to the Mission by contacting Aubrey at [email protected]

If you are able to help with collecting items to donate to families in need, please consider donating the following:

  • Fresh fruits and Vegetables
  • Canned goods/non-perishables (pop-top canned tuna, soups, fruits, etc.)  
  • Cereals, pastas
  • Diapers (any size)
  • Baby wipes
  • Baby food and formula


If you are interested in hosting a drive for those in need, please reach out to the volunteer department: [email protected]