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Frequently Asked Questions:

Buffalo City Mission’s vision is to restore hope and healing to the homeless and hurting of Western New York. We believe Jesus calls us to open our arms wide to rescue those in need and provide hope through preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

With the strengths of our New Community Center; The Alfiero Family Center of Hope and Promise, and our Women and Children’s Shelter, Cornerstone Manor, Buffalo City Mission provides strong holistic comprehensive recovery programs to help rescue and restore homeless men, women, and mom’s with children who are homeless; with a strong focus on preventing homelessness and the problems poverty creates.

Our New Community Center, The Alfiero Family Center of Hope and Promise, is located at 100 E. Tupper St. Buffalo NY 14203.
Our Women’s and Children’s Facility, Cornerstone Manor, is located at 150 E. North St. Buffalo NY 14203.

Volunteers are the heartbeat of Buffalo City Mission. Short-term and long-term opportunities are available, including serving meals, sorting clothing, teaching a class, and more!
Becoming a volunteer is easy. Simply visit our Volunteer page and fill out the Volunteer application.
For more information, call our volunteer office at 716-854-8181 ext.408.

The Mission always needs non-perishable food, clothing, hygiene items, and household items.

Learn More >

We offer free pickups for furniture and large item donations.
Pickups can be scheduled by calling our receiving department at 716-854-8181 ext. 424.

The Mission’s Tax I.D. # is 16-0743965.

The Mission provides a wide range of community outreach services including a food pantry and clothing referrals. New hours coming soon!

Donating to Buffalo City Mission:

Monetary donations can be made online, by phone (716) 854-8181 ext. 429 or by mail. Please mail your donation to the following address: Buffalo City Mission 100 East Tupper Street Buffalo, NY 14203
One-time or monthly donations are easy to complete online. Acceptable forms of payment include: Visa, Discover, MasterCard, or American Express credit cards. Linking directly to checking or savings account.

When you make an online donation, you will receive an email confirmation message once your donation is complete. Receipts will also be mailed to the address you have provided within 7-10 business days.

We use a secure payment processor to ensure that your credit card information is safe. Sometimes the payment processor may reject your information for unspecified reasons. If the charge has been blocked on your bank statement, we recommend contacting your issuing bank to understand why the charge was blocked.

You can also call us at 716-854-8181 ext. 429 to donate over the phone.

Protecting your online security when you make a donation is our top priority.

Buffalo City Mission keeps your personal information as secure as possible and protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information you entrust to us.

We protect your information by working with partners that provide a secure and safe environment for credit card donations. All information is stored in a secure database.

Donations made to Buffalo City Mission are 100% tax deductible.

The Mission is a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization. We issue tax receipts at the time of donation. If you would like to request a receipt for one or more donations you made this year, please contact us by calling 716-854-8181 ext. 429.

If you would like to change or update your credit card information, please call 716-854-8181 ext. 429 and we will be happy to assist you.

You can make adjustments to your donation by calling us at 716-854-8181 ext. 429.

When you give to Buffalo City Mission, you want to know that your gifts are really making a difference. That’s why we’re committed to helping you understand the real impact of your donations and how your gifts help change lives. See our Financial Information page for more details on how your donation has made an impact in our community.

Yes, gifts can be received through the mail. Please mail your donation to the following address:

Buffalo City Mission
100 East Tupper Street
Buffalo, NY 14203

The Mission does not recommend sending cash through the mail.

To change your mailing address, please call 716-854-8181 ext. 429 or contact us online.

Our mailings are one of the ways we report back to our donors about the lives changed because of their support, and they are an important way we receive gifts from our supporters. Often, these mailers serve as a reminder that we need our supporters’ help throughout the year and, without them, we would be unable to continue providing food, shelter and life-changing programs to people in need.

If you want to reduce or change the number of mailings you receive, we’re happy to help. Simply call us at 716-854-8181 ext. 429 or contact us online to update your mail preferences. Any change will take 8-12 weeks to take effect.