“I had no place to go and went into panic mode…”
Denise stood on the median strip, looking at the twisted wreckage in the street, thankful she’d survived, but wondering where she was going to sleep that night. “A woman ran a red light, plowed into me and totaled my car. It was my home, so now I was homeless.”
She’d found a job in childcare right after relocating to Buffalo, and she loved her work. But she hadn’t been able to find a place to live. “I spent all my savings on hotel rooms and, when the money was gone, I ended up staying in my car.”
For five months, she drove to work and, in her free time, looked for affordable housing, but to no avail. Then the accident took everything she had. “I had no place to go and it was starting to get very cold outside. I went into panic mode.”
That’s when Denise’s church referred her to our Women and Children’s shelter, Cornerstone Manor, where she found food, shelter and the support of our compassionate staff. “They made me feel safe and gave me a bed and a warm place to stay.”
Then she entered our Transitional Housing Program, where Bible studies, chapel services and life skill classes have strengthened her faith and equipped her with the emotional tools to face whatever challenges lie ahead. “They’ve encouraged me in my walk with the Lord and now I’ve drawn closer to Him,” Denise says. “I’ve also learned how to deal with change and move forward in my life.”
“They’re helping me reach for my dreams.”
With our employment assistance, Denise will soon be looking for a job, and after graduation, we’ll help her find an affordable home of her own. “I’m very encouraged about my future.”
Denise’s heart is overflowing with gratitude this Thanksgiving because YOUR loving support gave her the confidence and support to rebuild her life. “The Mission showed me compassion and love and encouraged me to seek God, set goals and strive to reach them. I’m so thankful.”
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